Make Dreams!!!

But... Dreams alone are not enough!!!
But How?!
Maybe you are trapped with many things that you can't realize yourself or maybe actually you've already noticed that you are stuck on something.
The Excuses that usually we use are:
1. "I got no time to make it happen! I'm too busy to do my activities!"
Taste Hell!

Commitment is the best word for managing your time.
2. " I got no money! I'm poor!" and others that said Money is everything...
Like I said before, "Taste Hell!"

but... I mean, BUT!!! There's another way to reach your dreams! Open yourself to learn from others! Ask help from others but still don't depend on them and don't ask money from them. Ask their support because it will make you eager more to grab your dream immediately.
Do something that can lead you to get closer to your dream, show your ability to realize your dream, let everyone know that you're more willing to reach your dream above everything and pray, I believe GOD will help you to open your path. Money is not everything but Money helps you in many things. So don't be so desperate about being poor.
3. "My Family againts me! I'm not allowed!" and things about "Permission"
Trash! it's all Trash mind that you must throw away! As long as your Dreams are at least unharm others, Fight it! you got your own Life! "It's My Life", like what Jon Bon Jovi said in his Song.
You get your own reason to Life but still you get responsibility to make your family proud of you and happy because afterall they are your dearest family. Please don't ruin their dreams also about you. Give them understanding bit by bit about your dreams. I believe they will gradually understand that you're willing to realize your dreams and they will accept your way of thinking. Find the best time to share it with your family.
4. "I'm Useless! I don't even know if I can do it" and others of your thought about being not talented.
yeah! the simplest thing is: "Don't even bother to think about that dream anymore! Chase another dream!" as simple as like that. But I would like better if you are still eager to do it with your all your heart content. Even if you can't reach your dream but you can share your dreams with others who have the same dream like yo do and invite them to reach that dream together. Do the part that you can do to realize that dream. You can even join "The same dream community" and it's easy to find them now in internet. So what are you waiting for? Go for it!
5. "My dream is different, many people can't accept it" and elses that is named rejection
once again, I will said "LOSER!"
Hufff... It's your own Life, Dude! Don't even bother with others' opinion!
"I am weird! But so what if I am?! Everybody is weird in their own way!" - Stephen King

Maybe the best word is "MOTIVATION" to face this kind of situaton.
Whatever your reason is But trust me, If you do nothing to reach your dream, then throw your dream off and just taste your Hell like as before!
The Key Masters for Being Able to Step Forward To Reach Your Dreams are:
Reason that arises conciously or not to perform action in particular purpose.
So you must find your real deepest reason that make you are eager so well to reach your dream. It's allright to be different as long as "unharm others"!
Agreement to do something.
So you must agree with yourself that you will reach your dream whatever the situation is.
Obidience and Fidelity
to something that you have commited before.
Do all things with all your heart content. Trust it if it's your calling and Love to do it.
Don't forget that you got people around you. Manage your time to socialize with others but tell them not to disturb you when you need to do something without any undesirable interferences.
You Have to Maintain your Health! Physically and Psychologically.
Have a Good Rest, Take Full Nourishment Meals, Get Socialize sometimes, Meet your physician monthly, Clean your body (taking a bath, brushing your teeth, cutting your hair), Do Exercise everyday, Travel to Good Place that can pull out your tension, Listen to Music that can relieve your stresses, and Read Good information that can inspire you more and more!
Of course we're Human full of Flesh and we can be broken and distracted. Don't forget to Pray and Beg for HIS guidance to strengthen your motivation and commitment so you will able to still consistent in your path and do it with all your heart content, also avoid all distraction that disturbing your path.
Hope you find Enlightenment here...
He He He
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